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private soldier 列兵,士兵。

private theatricals

Every army is composed of members of lower military standingthe private soldiers , who are always the largest proportion of the whole , of members of a slightly higher military standingcorporals and non - commissioned officers , who are fewer in number than the privates ; of still higher officers , whose numbers are even less ; and so on , up to the chief military command of all , which is concentrated in one person 每支軍隊都包括低級軍事人員列兵,他們總占絕大多數比較高的軍事人員班長和軍士他們的總數比列兵少更高級的軍官的總數目更少,由此類推,直到權力集于一人之身的最高軍事首腦。

He was wearing a shabby ensigns jacket with a private soldiers cross , equally shabby riding - trousers lined with worn leather , and an officers sabre with a sword knot . the horse he was riding was of the don breed , bought of a cossack on the march 羅斯托夫沒有來得及置備軍服,他穿的是一件破爛的佩戴有十字肩章的士官生上衣,一條同樣破爛的,皮襯磨光了的緊腿馬褲,腰間掛著一柄飾以刀穗的軍刀。

Dolohov , attired by now in the grey overcoat of a private soldier , did not wait to be called up 多洛霍夫換上一件士兵的灰軍大衣,焦急地等待有人召喚他。

Only he is like colonel c . e . florence , who preferred to become a private soldier again 不過他是象佛羅佛斯上校似的,他愿意回到從前的階級里去。 ”

In this camp , private soldiers do not mess with officers 在這個兵營里,士兵不和軍官一起用餐。